XML Data from Qrz.com

We can announce that right now we are able to fill some of the Qso details from the qrz.com database. With this information you will be able to log any spot or any manual qso that you enter into your logbook.

User Page Improved

We had improved the section of the user page. Some reorganization of the contents has been done and new features added. For example we have added the option to view graphs and statistics of the user.

Gray Line Map

Finally done! … sorry well done ! A new option has been improved on the TOOLS menu. You are able to view a real time weather and gray line map all in one. We are using a very new code on this section and most important is that is beautiful!

Spots Code

The last couple of weeks we have improved the spots code. When a new spot is coming to the system this must do a “small tour” before is published. This “small tour” has been improved so much and right now it takes a few milliseconds to be on the spot list.

Android Spots Alerts

Most of you are requesting information to install the app to your android smartphone. There are different ways to install the aplication to your Android SmartPhone. We are going to explain one of the ways to do it. Download the app from: – here –